What does an ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose mental health system aligned to The Hippocratic Oath of At First Do Harm etc etc… What does an ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose mental health system…
Future-proofing uncertainty What’s the meaning of uncertainty? What’s the purpose of this pandemic? What’s the mission…
What are you wanting to achieve in your lifetime? Are you clear about your legacy? What is the meaning of life? And how does that align with your purpose?…
What is the value of spiraling from high performing professional to madman through to coach and comedian? So I’m finally progressing the rewriting of my memoir, revamping of my website www.calmercoaching.com…
Making sense of the world as VUCA becomes the norm. What is the meaning or the purpose of life? What matters most to…
TW: Extraordinary leadership, everyday heroes and death. I’ve been ruminating recently over world politics and why I’ve been so grumpy with…
Imagine if every Government policy was fit for purpose. Imagine a world where political and business leaders applied the following framework in their…
To be honest I had no idea what I wanted to achieve in my life – kinda glad in a way Slowly I’m making progress on organising the paperwork to contribute to the rewrite of…
What is your vision for 2025? How will you evolve in next three years? What do want you in your life? What’s missing that you yearn for? Are…
What RACE are we in? Are we racing for excellence in our lives? I’ve found the last few days a tad exhausting investing time and energy trying…