The EFQM Model can help you ask the right questions so your organisation can adapt to any crisis. For more detail on the questions to ask check out our free Disruption self-assessment tool on Assess Base, the new home for Digital EFQM Assessments. DIRECTION Purpose, Vision & Strategy How can we make our organisation both fit for purpose and fit for the future? How should we adapt our purpose, vision and strategy in light of the pandemic? How should we re-focus our resource to support all of our affected stakeholders? Organisational culture & leadership How can we demonstrate our values through our actions during this crisis, at every level of the organisation? What support can we provide our employees and stakeholders to help them get through it? EXECUTION Engaging stakeholders How can we better communicate with our stakeholders to actively listen, and then deliver clarity? Creating sustainable value When we have limited resources available, what do we prioritise, and how do we decide? Both now, and in the future? Driving performance & transformation What does success look like now? How are we measuring and monitoring progress? How can we be sure that we’re still supporting our long-term purpose, vision and strategy? RESULTS Strategic & Operational Performance What are the financial implications for our organisation? Is this the right time to trim or expand our priorities? What do we need to do to ensure that we can keep going during and after the immediate crisis? How can we deliver on our current and future commitments? How and when should we discuss the impacts of this new reality with our partners, clients and suppliers? Stakeholder Perceptions How can we ensure that our stakeholders support our actions? What can improve, based on our stakeholders’ feedback? So how does this relate to modelling excellence in leadership to achieve ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose outcomes? Well ultimately the above is based on evidence – evidence of what works. And it offers a framework that drives performance – in self and in others. And ultimately that achieves value for money and in effect contributes to success. So if you’re grappling with an internal or external challenge, maybe ask yourself: Am I heading in the right direction? Am I executing progress in my direction economically, efficiently and effectively? Am I achieving the results aligned to my overall direction? Through asking and exploring more deeply the three above questions, maybe you’ll begin to see issues you previously could not see, maybe you’ll hear information you previously weren’t hearing, maybe you’ll read something you previously ignored. Based on 50+years of seeking and modelling excellence, I’ve enjoyed life and enjoyed my career. I’ve enjoyed travelling internationally and enjoyed emigrating half way around the world. I’ve even in some respects enjoyed overcoming a diagnosis of bipolar for now I have an awareness and a skill base which can help transform mental health services to effect a more ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose approach to assist those grappling with their inner reality. Maybe that’s worthy of exploring and being of service to humanity.
What does an ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose mental health system aligned to The Hippocratic Oath of At First Do Harm etc etc… What does an ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose mental health system…
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