So I’ve been taking a bit of a back seat with this website for a while for various reasons but now having navigate a complete configuration of my values hierarchy and mission/ purpose maybe it is now time to yet again say hello. My legacy has changed. My values have changed. My personality has changed. My character has changed. Everything has changed. I suppose that’s the value of self-coaching oneself through a mid-life crisis in the form of a diagnosis of bipolar. So my mission hereon in is now more nuanced and multi-layered. My mission is now loosely focused around: demystifying my understanding of bipolar to show others what the diagnosis offers in terms of effecting a calmer, happier life post-diagnosis; demystifying mental illness more generally; and supporting a more ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose approach to mental health reform. To achieve these three aims I’m in the process of rewriting my memoir which I previously published in 2015 but which I now believe to factually incorrect which for me is the basis of the diagnosis of bipolar – living through an imbalanced perception of our stories and our truth. I’m also exploring other channels of communication including blogging and podcasting as 2022 unfolds. I’m also slowly building my profile on twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Having moved to the country, I’ve transformed pretty much every single element of my life and lifestyle – it’s much more bipolar-appropriate of which I’ll be sharing more details into the future. This move has enable a deeper dive that I ever thought possible in my story and mental health and mental illness. Ultimately I’m so grateful the experiences of the diagnosis, the highs and the low and what I’ve learned navigating through them to achieve a more balanced perspective of my self worth, my values and my purpose. To have clarity about my direction – my vision/ purpose/ strategy – and how I sense the future could be shaped energises me like never before. Moreover, having completed a stand-up comedy course in February 2020, I feel a sense of humour is required in leading this transformation in collaboration with many many others. I stand on the shoulders of so many giants in the self-development, coaching, NLP, mBIT and broader human behaviour field of research and feel the value of what I’ve learned should be made easily accessible to each and everyone interested. So let the journey begin.
What does an ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose mental health system aligned to The Hippocratic Oath of At First Do Harm etc etc… What does an ethical, moral, human rights informed, fit for purpose mental health system…
Future-proofing uncertainty What’s the meaning of uncertainty? What’s the purpose of this pandemic? What’s the mission…